Robotics Reaches Out

Team 2910 is always eager to promote and support FIRST in our community. In addition to hosting an annual FTC competition event at Jackson High School, we have several team members that mentor FLL programs at our feeder schools and participate at FLL competition events. Additionally, many of our team members volunteer at both competition and off-season FRC events.

At Jackson High School, the team helps to welcome incoming students each year at the “Pack to School” event, serving lunch and showing off our latest robot. We also participate in the school’s Octoberfest, an indoor trick-or-treat event for families. Our “Race the Robot” game is one of the most popular at the event, pitting youngsters against our mini-swerve bot. Our robot might even get dressed up for the occasional pep assembly!

In the wider community, our team participates in local events, such as Seattle’s Seafair, acting as ambassadors for the FIRST program, and sharing our enthusiasm for STEM and robotics with others.

If you would like us to be at your event, please contact our coach Kiley Branson.

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